Monday, July 23, 2007

Operator Interface: Vegas Expo or Bust?

What are your plans for attending the AMOA Expo, Fun Expo and souvenir show this September? What expectations do you have?

If you're going, what company reps do you want to talk to? Do you have any potential purchases in mind?


Anonymous said...

I'll be passing on this show and going to the IAAPA show instead. That show has so much more to offer and some fresh faces to network with. I'll probably also go to distributor open houses if any are held after either show. I really do wish that the seminar content/presenters would change. I get tired of seeing the same faces soliciting their consulting services or products in the seminars.

Anonymous said...

Our FEC's are doing rather well with products which were unveiled at the spring ASI Show: Deal Or No Deal (redemption), UFO Catcher (crane), and Fast & Furious Drift (video) so I think we covered all our bases for the year. We make most of our money during the summer season and it is hard to justify buying equipment in the winter months when customer money tends to go towards holiday shopping.

If I was to attend I would probably look at Namco's Maximum Tune 3, Global VR's America's Army, and BayTek's Hummer Space Adventure. I would not be likely to purchase anything though. If I were to spend money at the show it would be on redemption product (for the pricing specials or new hot licenses). Not sure about the souvenir show--it seems like it's hard to find anything usable or relevant for our redemption counters.

Anonymous said...

The time has come for us international operations to manage our time much more precisely.

The shows that matter are:


With AMOA still acting as a stick in the mud over placement - and with the FunExpo clash in 2008 - AMOA is hard to consider when more new games were launched at IAAPA last year!

How long before a ASI / AMOA show close to Nightclub and Bar?

Anonymous said...

Hello. I own and operate a 5,000 square-foot gameroom on a riverwalk in the midwest.

I had a potential purchase lined-up, but was greatly saddened to learn that Sega's new Initial 'D' 4 will be priced at $26,000 for a twin unit!!

The Initial 'D' franchise is at a peak right now, and many of my Initial 'D' 3 players were greatly anticipating this game's arrival.

But now, thanks to the folks at Sega, there won't be any Initial 'D' 4 cabinets within 200 miles of my location, because no operator in this region will be able to afford an investment like that, myself included.

Why they've priced their best game out of the market is anyone's guess, but this situation will hurt operators and really tick off the gamers who were quite hooked on this innovative card system racer.

Doug Berry said...

Originally, I hadn't planned to attend. My wife and I really don't like Vegas, but are hoping that it's at least tolerable now that they have a smoking ban. I know that sounds like heresy in this business, but sorry guys, I'm allergic to smoke, so I avoid it if possible.

I'm not really going to see new product so much as to talk to people.

As far as the Fun Expo side changing the content of Fun Academy...yes and no. It's important stuff and attending can give you hints and tips that will help you no matter what stage of the game you're in. The important part, though, is meeting people and sharing ideas--you probably wouldn't sit down and talk about certain things with the competition, but some guy doing what you do half a continent away can be a great help.

That said, if you see me wandering around, just say, "Hi."

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous: Regarding Sega's pricing of D4 head to head. Someone has to pay for the Lindberg Graphics and the Honda/Acura licensing. It does not come cheap.

That game looks like it will be a real money maker in busy locations. Dave & Busters will probably take all of the initial ones you pass on buying.

Anonymous said...

Today I decided to call around and see if Dave & Busters indeed had Initial 'D' 4.

No Texas location had it, and neither did St. Louis. I'm in Tulsa.

I would like to reiterate that Sega is lettting a MAJOR franchise die by denying players the chance to experience this game, due to overpricing of its units.