Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Operator Interface: Should the AMOA, AAMA and IALEI co-locate their tradeshows?

Give us your Yeas and Nays on whether the time has come to combine the AMOA and Fun Expos with the Amusement Showcase International.

Does the schedule of one show in the spring and one in fall, in addition to IAAPA, actually spread the downsized coin-op trade too thin? Would consolidation bolster tradester and exhibitor attendance, perhaps giving a shot of adrenaline to the overall health of the industry? Would seasonal distributor open houses become even more popular?

Or are the ripe buying times for route vs. location operators -- fall vs. spring, respectively -- too inflexible for compromise? What about the AMOA and AAMA, who both rely on their shows as moneymakers?

Why or why not? Discuss.


Anonymous said...

During the peak times of the business, one show in the fall seemed to work just fine. It's time to try it again folks. At least on the Music & Amusement game side of the business. Let's give it a three year trial and see what happens.

It does not have to be in Chicago although that location always seemed to work back then.

Distributors could have their open houses in the Spring.

Anonymous said...

I attended the ASI show. Speaking as a street operator, it was almost a total waste of time. I saw little at the few booths that were there that was of any interest to our business.

Anonymous said...

Will the booths that offer free food samples be having any eating contests?

Anonymous said...

I would prefer seeing a consolidated show in the spring. I would like to think that most operators make their money during the summer season like I do. I am usually not in a buying mood in the fall as most of our guests are spending their disposable income on holiday shopping. I do attend the AMOA and IAAPA shows but do not spend as much at those shows combined as I do at the spring show.