Tuesday, August 19, 2008

iPod Nights: Not Music to Your Ears

The ascendency of digital music led to a new dilemma for jukebox operators: the hijacking of jukes by consumer iPods. In so-called iPod Nights, consumers plug in personal Mp3 players for sharing personal music with friends and other patrons, disrupting the cashbox.

The practice, which reached a crescendo in 2005, has been condoned and even marketed by certain owners, catching the eyes and ears of national media outlets. That same year, the AMOA pressed the Recording Industry Association of America to defend its member copyrights against infringement only to be informed that policing such events would not be worth their effort when facing larger illegal file-sharing issues.

Have iPod Nights in your area continued at the same pace? What factors influence their happening the most? What threat might they pose down the road? What percentage of revenues do you estimate they knock off, and what possible solutions could exist to curtail them?